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"No other disease or condition of companion animals takes as many lives as euthanasia.  In fact, no other disease comes close."

Janet M. Scarlett, DVM, MPH, PhD, Cornell University

P.A.W.S. firmly believes that the only way to completely address the crisis of animal overpopulation and ensure a home for every animal is through spaying and neutering. Literally millions of healthy, adoptable animals are euthanized each year in the United States because there aren???t enough homes for them.  We can help save lives by preventing unwanted births.

To help "fix" the problem:  P.A.W.S. is excited to announce our plans to open our own low cost spay/neuter clinic in the Downriver area (Wayne County), we hope in early 2010. 

While P.A.W.S. is extremely proud of the number of animals we???ve helped, either through our adoption program or our Spay/Neuter Assistance Program (SNAP), we???re still not solving the problem. There are so many rescue groups, humane societies, shelters, veterinarians, and private citizens working hard to find homes for all the homeless animals, but there are far more born each year than all of us together can help. We can???t keep up.

And with unemployment as high as it is in our area, there are many families who want to get their animals spayed and neutered but simply can???t afford to do it. The P.A.W.S. clinic will work to make the cost of surgery affordable for most families, and our SNAP will help those who need additional assistance.

P.A.W.S. is proud to have been accepted into the National Spay/Neuter Response Team (NSNRT) of Humane Alliance in Asheville, North Carolina.   Humane Alliance has mentored over 50 organizations as these groups have launched successful spay/neuter clinics in their own communities, and is currently helping another almost 40 clinics, including P.A.W.S., get started.  Their successful model is reducing euthanasia rates in these communities, and we're very excited about being able to make an impact in our own community.     

To get our clinic open we need to raise about $70,000 start-up money.   Please help make a difference for the animals in our community with a  tax-deductible contribution to our Clinic Fund.  Donations can be sent to us at


P.O. Box 2184

Riverview, MI 48193

Attn: Clinic Fund

You can also click the ???Donate??? button to the right to donate using PayPal. Please make sure that you note that your donation is for the clinic fund.

The P.A.W.S. spay/neuter clinic will benefit so many animals and families in Southeastern Michigan. Thank you for helping us make it a reality.



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P. O. Box 2184
Riverview, Michigan 48193
Contact us - [email protected]